Home News Last Day for Passport Mega Login Campaign… Register maximum Passport applicat…

Last Day for Passport Mega Login Campaign… Register maximum Passport applicat…

Last Day for Passport Mega Login Campaign…

Register maximum Passport applicat…

Last Day for Passport Mega Login Campaign…

Register maximum Passport applications & win attractive commission!

1. Complete Up to 10 Passport applications and Get 5% additional commission.
2. Complete more than 10 Passport applications and Get 10% additional commission.

For any queries, write us on harsha.dhawan@csc.gov.in or call on 14599

#DigitalIndia #PassportMegaDrive #MegaDrive #FestiveOffer #FestiveSeason #PassportService #RuralEmpowerment #PassportDrive #CSC




  1. Wow, wow… Make CSC earn by charging the customer, after that CSC will give us some share from that earning… whereas only government fees are deducted from Direct Passport portal… then why would I give money to CSC??

    This is called over charging which is against the rules. I am surprised that CSC tells everyone the rules and there is no rule for its own commission.

    Common Services Centers Don’t fool us ।।😀


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