A Session on Rent Agreement & Affidavit Services through CSC…
Join us LIVE on the #CSC Facebook Page, on 1st September, 2023 (Friday) at 4 PM.
#Digitalindia #RuralEmpowerment #RentAgreement #AffidavitService #CSCRentAgreementService #CSCAffidavitServices
For Uttat Pradesh Also. Or not
Digipay not working??
It’s too costly.
This server does not show my system
For Which State
Great !!
All e service’s awaited
Great job
Good step
Great service
Is this for all over India or some states only?
Good step assam me hoga
Congratulations 🎊 Very good news.
Very nice. I m already working on it. I m also estamp vendor besides working on it.
CSC admin please give answer of vle question ❓
Much awaited Good Luck for All Csc
Good 👆🙏🏻
Good but sir first provide estamping service to CSC VLE #CSC