Home News 4 Key R’s of Resume Making… 1. Relevance 2. Readability 3. Role-Oriented 4. R…

4 Key R’s of Resume Making… 1. Relevance 2. Readability 3. Role-Oriented 4. R…

4 Key R’s of Resume Making…

1. Relevance
2. Readability
3. Role-Oriented
4. R…

4 Key R’s of Resume Making…

1. Relevance
2. Readability
3. Role-Oriented
4. Review

Visit the nearest #CSC centre for the hassle-free Online #Resume Creation…

For details, visit the Digital Seva Portal.

For any queries, call us at 14599 or write us at skills@csc.gov.in

#DigitalIndia #CSCResumeService #Resume #ResumeMaking #CSCEducationServices #CSCAcademy #DigitalInclusion #NewOpportunity #DigitalSevaPortal




  1. One of hardest thing here is above 500rs per a resume ….no one can approach CSC for this price range it could be some online site s are giving best resumes for free incase we want do like this service please decrease the price to everyone buyable thank you so much.


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